
BMTC Volvo 500D in Blue!

A BMTC Volvo in the rare blue livery at Marathahalli, Bangalore. These, along with the similarly designed Orange ones are not very much seen, though Orange ones are more than blue. These buses were originally intended to be a HO-HO (Hop on Hop off) service along two routes in the Bangalore central business district (CBD).

But the scheme failed spectacularly, one because of traffic jams and two because all the privileged people working in banks and all around there found it beneath them to travel in buses, preferring autorickshaws and their own vehicles (and then cribbing about high fares and traffic, respectively), forcing BMTC to deploy these buses on regular routes.

This one is running as 500D Silk Board – Hebbal. Note the nice circular designs. Love it!

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