The “Old Monk” WAM4 Sports a Brilliant New Paintjob!
Veteran WAM4 6PE #21339 “Old Monk” of Southern Railway’s Arakkonam (AJJ) shed speeds past Hebbal with the 21 coach load of the 02846 Bangalore Yeshwantpur – Bhubaneshwar Summer Special trailing behind. WAM4 6PE means a 4th version Broad Gauge (W) AC-Electric (A) Mixed Duty (M) locomotive for both passenger and freight services with 6 Traction Motors in Parallel (P) and Air Braked (E). The Old Monk is 32 years old and was manufactured in 1982! It was recently beautifully repainted at Arakkonam in brilliant deep orange and yellow which sadly appear muted in this photo thanks to the overhead sun and the shadows of the trees. I have still a lot to learn about photography, still!